Friday, August 24, 2012

Mini Mac

My sister is petite and nice and genuine everyday not just when its convenient.  In summary, she is my opposite in many ways.  My parents and our extended family raised us right but Shelley came out nice too.  I envy that in her.

As children she was always "on".  She loved Center Stage and everyone loved her being on it.  I stayed in the background and jumped rope or something else where I would not have to make eye contact.  Somewhere, at some point, that changed.  I think it may have been when I out grew my older "little" sister.  I assumed the role of being the protector because I was expected to be.  Even though I was as thin as a rail I was taller and therefore I stepped up and became "Big Mc".

Shelley always feels things to the core of her being.  Injustice is not accepted or tolerable and will bring on tears.  While I am plotting how to respond or react Shelley clinches her fist, grits her teeth and says, "That is not right!"  The she goes to a sleepless night asking herself why/how some people can be so mean.  I love her for the realness that she possesses.

I have always said that together Shelley and I combined would really make the perfect person but separate we lack a little bit.  I truly believe that.  If I gave her a little of my backbone and she gave me a little more of her sensitivity we could rule the world.  Please do not misunderstand: I feel and am very sensitive but I tend to deal with the situation at hand and feel the emotion later.  It is not at all healthy but that is my way.

Shelley feels, Shelley loves and she never gives up on things.  We have gone through ups and downs in our paths.  There are times we did not connect and other times when we got real with each other.  She has always wanted more from our relationship and I continue to try and let down that protective guard but she is my sister and I am still her protector in many ways.  At least, I think so even when it is plainly obvious that I am not.

One day I hope to be the sister she wants and deserves.  I hope to be more like her.  I do not give her enough credit; of course, neither does she.  Tonight she is on my mind.  Tonight I am reminded that she and I share the same blood and our heart can beat as one.  I love her and hope she knows just how much.