Monday, March 1, 2010

Yesterday's headline (Feb 18th)

As you may have heard, Boone McDaniel Foster joined our family yesterday. He is 34 weeks old but a hefty 5.1lbs and 18.25 in. long. This is well above average for a baby his age and we are incredibly thankful. I guess eating those 3 meals a day for 30 days straight plus all the prayers had some effect! His legs and arms are very long and yes, he has blonde hair.

Labor did not go as planned. I will spare you the details but will say it ended in a surprise C section. After delivery, we were informed we made the right call with this decision as the cord was in a position that would not have allowed for a "normal" delivery.

Boone is doing fine. He is in NICU but is breathing on his own. Hunt and I visited him tonight and I got to change the tiniest diaper I have ever seen. The oxygen "thingy" was removed from his nose and I got to hold my baby!!! It was magic. His eyes opened wide and he completely calmed down. It was awesome and the first of many moments together. He drank by bottle tonight so life just keeps getting better. We are taking this day by day and have not been told when he will be released but if things continue on this path it is my bet that he will be home very soon.

Pictures are coming. Thank you for all your prayers and support. I think I can speak for my entire family when I say we could not have done this without you.

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