Thursday, October 10, 2013

Bubbles Bubbles, Toils and Troubles

Blowing Bubbles was always a fun activity as a kid.  I could only do it for a short period of time before getting bored but I liked it just the same.  This weekend I watched my son blow bubbles on my parent's porch.  He did not last long either before pouring out the "bubble juice" on the porch.... and the dog.  As a kid, I loved the bubbles but hated watching them pop.  I wished they could float into the air and live on for miles.  The delicate nature of the wet, fragile creations and their very temporary state of being upset me.  My son is three and he just likes to makes messes; that is his excuse for his short sessions.

My thoughts on bubbles aligns with my current thoughts on life.  I dislike things I cannot trust, things that are not solid.  I have many acquaintances but only a few real friends.  I can be the life of the party but am most comfortable when the party consists of 4 people.  I also love to get lost in a a huge crowd and not have to be anything to anyone--that is the float on for miles and not be touched part of the bubble blowing philosophy.

Days like today make me wish I could enjoy my temporary state of life and enjoy the bubbles for the few seconds they float.  I wish that when one popped I could clap and smile and recognize the fun of creating bubbles instead of sigh at their demise.  Maybe tomorrow.

Today I see the moments in life as bubbles that are temporary and pass far too quickly.  From my childhood, to my kids' baby days, to many of my relationships; all here one minute and gone the next.  I could grab the dish soap and make some more bubble juice.  I could add some glycerin to make the bubbles stronger and set out to create a bubble storm but I see that as the role faith plays in my life. Life is temporary as are our precious moments in it.

As Christians we recognize though one bubble pops another will be created and we can have all the bubble juice we want to continue blowing life into the soapy water.  Life is not perfect but moments, like bubbles are fleeting; they are not meant to last and shame on me for not enjoying while they are present.  "Don't cry because its over, smile because it happened" is a great piece of advice.  When one bubble pops there will be others floating by filled with another promise and another memory.  Of course, if Boone is around all bets are off, your dog may get sick and you will just have to enjoy the sunshine.  Either way faith will carry us through the day.