Tuesday, February 7, 2017

A glimpse in our life

From September 26, 2007:

“You are my sunshine, my only sunshine…”  
If you stood at the base of my stairs you would hear me softly singing those words off key, out of tune but still singing.  I have adopted that as Ella’s song.  She does not seem to mind.  

“You make me happy when skies are gray”.  
As a baby, she did not like to be rocked.  Ella preferred to be laid down and left alone at the first sign of sleepiness.  Yes, she was an easy baby and yes, I counted all my blessings but a part of me wanted to have that down time with my baby girl. 

“You’ll never know dear, how much I love you”.  
At 15 months, she wants that down time with me I used to crave.  I cannot simply lay her down, unless she is extremely tired.  No, my baby likes to be held close, rocked and serenaded by her tone-deaf mother.  With the lights off, we sit and I begin to slowly rock and sing.  Her legs wrapped around my waist, her blonde curls rest on my left shoulder with her right arm wrapped around my neck.  I watch her body rise and fall and with each breath I inhale and release.  Sometimes she plays with my hair while sucking her thumb.  She usually turns her head and looks at me after two times through the song, she smiles and I know then it is okay to lay her down. In those two verses, I find peace and we know love. 

 “Please don’t take my sunshine away"

Last night:

"It's time. It's time. It's time to go to bed"
My kids have accepted that a part of their mom (me) will always be a high school cheerleader and old school rap fan. In an effort to make bed time less painful and more fun, I made up a rap that changes nightly and one that neither Rob Base or LL Cool J will ever be envious of or care to hear. The lyrics flow differently depending on day's tone or the activities planned for tomorrow. Both of them like it even if they think it is corny. 

"Its time to brush those dirty teeth and lay down those sleepy heads"
My kids eat well enough but the little one has a sweet tooth that is hard to control. It is also hard to patrol tooth brushing but some how it gets done. Each child goes to their room or sometimes if Ella is feeling extra nice she allows her brother to join her in hers. Both are in bed clothes and under the covers as I walk to turn off the light.

"I said, it's time, it's time, its to close your eyes"
I walk back and sit on each of the quilt covered twin beds, tuck stray hair either behind an ear or out of a closed eye, whisper "I love you" in their ears and then together we pray. 

"You've got in bed, we said our prayers, no time for lullabies"
Except, there was. 
"Yes, baby girl"
"Please just one song."
"Okay, what will it be?"
In unison they said, "You are my sunshine!!!"

"Please don't take my sunshine away" 
The more things change the more they stay the same. E is 10 now her legs are almost as long as mine and fitting her on my lap is not easy. B turns 7 next week. Both are tall and strong and gifted; they will forever be my sunshine and there is ALWAYS time for one song. I'll have to change the rap again.

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