Tuesday, August 30, 2011

"Ugh, I won't talk to strangers". We had to tell her the answer was still, "no" to her request to walk to school all alone. Granted it is only 4 blocks away but these are uncertain times and the world has populated itself with some unsavory people even in West Central Austin. Besides that, she is only 5 years old.

Later that same night I was tucking E in and for the first time since we've been in the "big house" she did not ask for her closet light to be turned on. Instead we were able to enjoy the glow- in -the -dark stars that illuminated the ceiling directly above her bed. Together we tried to count the stars and began to say our prayers. I kissed her cheek got up to leave when she stopped me by saying, "mommy, don't want my closet light on. Everyone knows monsters don't live in closets.
"That's right, baby," I offered. She quickly added, "they walk thru doors".

(Gulp). My mind flashed back to our earlier conversation about her not walking to school by herself. It is my earnest prayer E does not ever have first hand experience about how true her monster statement was. They do walk through doors and that is why I lock mine.

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