Thursday, September 22, 2011

Gotta get out

I hate politics.  Ask anyone I know and they will tell you I hate politics.  The bad news is that I work in politics.  Worse news is that I thrive on politics.  Do you see my problem?  I have read the line between love and hate is a thin one and I think I zig zag across it daily.  Who is running for what, who is not running, who says they are running but really will not, who will be president and what does that do to the state offices..... the questions are endless and exhausting and at the end of the day absolutely useless to me in my everyday life.  I should get out but have no idea what else to do.  I am open for suggestions.  I have dreams of starting my own business, publishing my book, establishing a brand (I already have websites purchased) the kicker is that I need to make money and I have no clue how to do that. 

I am reading articles, websites and blogs about recognizing my value, putting a price on my talents, creating my own destiny and liberating myself from politics.  There are some great resources out there, for example: but here I am still sitting on Square1.    My husband says it takes money to make money so what I apparently need is a sugar daddy or the desire to rid myself of my earthly belongings and see them all on  EBay  I just do not see either of them happening.

Crap, I have to go, a legislative office is on hold for me......

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