Monday, November 5, 2012

South Plains Stories

One sign of a good, loving home is the ownership of rooms.  The room I claimed as a child is still “Wendy’s room”.  My trophies line its bookshelves and my pictures hang on the wall.  In the closet, you will find each and every one of my Michael Jordan posters safely stored.  He will always be a hero to me despite his little gambling problem.  Who can ever forget the poster that was the length of his arm span (i.e. big) with the William Blake poem printed below Jordan’ image: “No man soars too high if he soars with his own wings”.  Good times.

This weekend my family was welcomed into the childhood home of a friend.  I was a little nervous about being company for 4 days in anyone’s home but my worries were misplaced.  I knew it would all be okay when I was shown around and introduced to the three spare bedrooms each decorated in the personality of the child that once lived there 30 plus years ago.  It was in no way creepy; Fluffy the childhood pet was not stuffed in the corner with glass eyes.  My friend’s room had light and airy linens and a white down comforter.  It was so her, even today.  There were tons of pictures of her 80s big hair and stylish hats that made their appearance in the early 90s.  To her it was home, to my family and I it was comfort.

I was then shown her sister’s room and her brother’s room both decorated as an older brother and sister’s room should look.  The love was evident in the care her parents showed in keeping their kids welcomed in their home.  It then hit me, that this small token is a sign of a loving family and a healthy home.  There are other signs; I know that but this is one that stood out to me and one I needed at the time.  

My mom and dad’s house is comfort for me.  My home is in Austin but my roots are buried deep in South Texas and it is there that I turn to for strength.  This weekend I could not be in my parent’s home but my friend’s was the next best thing complete with Josie’s burritos for breakfast (if you know anything about Lubbock then you know what I am talking about).  

We ended the weekend with big hugs and a promise to return.  I have a new “home” on the South Plains and another blessing to add to my long list in this life.  

PS: They even loved having Boone around..... which proved our hosts were also solid grandparents.  He is easy to love but his energy is hard to accept at times.  I am his mother so I can say that- don't judge me.

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