Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Celebrating and Remembering Friendship

These pictures may not look like they have anything in common except that they both include people I love and are of utmost importance in my life.  But they do.

My mom (pictured on the right in black) lost her childhood best friend Nancy McDaniel (also pictured) in December.  I saw her heart break and I also saw her gain immeasurable strength from the friendship they shared since nearly birth that allowed her to eulogize her friend at her funeral.  It was a powerful moment and not lost on anyone in the room that day.  Today I know my mom misses her best friend but  she also knows she is a better person because she had Nancy in her life and would rather go this grief of losing her than not have befriended and loved her at all.

Last night I was scheduled to help host a dinner but things fell through at the last moment.  I drove home and my family had gone to eat without me as they are so used to doing during these last days of the legislative session.  I called one of my best friends, Emilee (pictured left with me), who was in town for work.  She and I tried to connect all day and could not make things work.

Just as God planned it, she was walking back to her hotel and was open for dinner.  We ate, drank, talked and talked and talked some more.  Fears, hopes, dreams spilled from our mouths and instead of sitting on a patio in the Capitol city we could have just as easily been on a tailgate in either of the small towns we call home.

The stress peeled off of us and we were just two best friends talking without judgement, reservation or caring what the other thought because it did not matter.  The insecurities that would cause us to care were removed years ago during late night parties, talks, bachelorette parties, weddings, babies and too many other occasions to list.  Apologies are not needed and support is unquestioned.

Long story short:  my heart breaks for my mom today even more today than it did in December.  My heart is bursting with blessings that include Emilee, Lori, Amy, Shelley, and DeeDee.  I cannot imagine life without them and God willing I will not have to any day soon.

Em and I joked that we hope to be friends until we are so old that we do not even remember each other then we could be new best friends and start the discovery process all over again.  She added we will also be the women who will press our Medic Alert buttons just to get to see the hot EMS guys that may show up.  Cheers to that!

Nancy was a second mother to be growing up.  She taught me so much during her life and she is continuing to teach me things in her death.  Friendship and family are awesome but when your friends become part of your family and your family members become your friends..... now THAT is something special.


1 comment:

DeeDee said...