Monday, January 20, 2014

Captain America is taking a sick day

No. Mommy that’s not how it goes
Rise it up, float it down and make it cover my toes

Those are just the blanket demands; there are others to obey
The sun is shining but my baby is sick so inside is where we will stay

Mommy, you can’t leave; you have to stay right here
So I gather my precious devices around me, and then I see the tear

“Lay with me?” he asks, phrased as a question not demand
I snuggle over; his head is on my chest, his hand now in my hand

It is like that we lay through the duration of his nap
The world is arriving in my inbox with my baby on my lap

I close my eyes; the tears now belong to me
With his limp, fevered body, he touches my cheek, “I love you mommy”

I will cradle my baby and tend to his care
This world will continue whether I am in here or out there

He will be better as the medicine works its magic ways
There will be more karate and Captain America days

But for today he’s my baby and I’m his mom

I’ll cherish these moments preparing for the storm after this calm

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