Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Damn Weeds

First,  apologies to my father.  I actually bought these "weeds" for a centerpiece for my birthday party.  Growing up as a cotton farmer's daughter I should know better but honestly the selection at Randalls is less than ideal.  Really it was all they had besides roses and I did not want roses for my birthday.

I remember vividly my dad cursing the weeds in the corn fields while I looked out the window and saw a spattering of cornflowers.  "Damn weeds" will always be in my head.

Even now at thirty seven I bought these with a twinge of guilt. I carefully cut their stems and silently offered a prayer for all the field crops that succumbed to the relatives of plants I held in my hands.

My little neighborhood party was a success.  The flowers died the next week.  All is right in the world again.

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