Tuesday, December 15, 2009


One pair of black and white small checked pants, one black and white striped top- the one with the sequined, orange pumpkin on it, one bright red Christmas sweater adorned with appliqued ornaments and reindeer, one pair of pink Care Bear socks and one pair bright red Mary Jane shoes. Mix them all together and you get Ella as she went to school today.

“No mommy, not these” is what she said as she threw the clothes I laid out for her to the ground in utter defiance, “I will pick my clothes.” And she did. And I let her. It was a big moment for both of us. I had to let go of my need to control and let her lead. It sounds easier than it was for me to do.

We got to school on time, where she quickly removed her Christmas sweater to reveal the Halloween shirt and no one pointed or laughed. The world did not stop because she did not match anything she was wearing. All the girls loved her pink socks; all the boys liked the pumpkin. Ella pleased everyone in the room including herself and I felt like the weak one for professing, “Ella dressed herself today” the minute we walked into her classroom prior to her disrobing. Oh well, lesson learned and point taken. My kid has a mind of her own and she appreciates me letting her use it. I like that she found the literal meaning of “Happy Holidays”. She may bring Christmasween to the mass public one day, who knows with Ella.

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