Monday, March 1, 2010

32 weeks and going strong (Feb 6th)

We reached 32 weeks and are thrilled and thankful. The stream of visitors has been great as are the quiet afternoons when I get to reflect and think. The nurses up here rock. I enjoy meeting new people and getting their stories everyday. Hunt won't believe this but I am told I am the least pain in the neck patient many have :). Gold star for me and baby! Honestly, I don't understand what women like myself have to gripe about in here. We are laying flat on our backs, there just is not much to be done or complain about but whatever. I'm just glad I am not the high maintenance one in here!

Baby continues to impress on the monitors. I am hopeful we will get a new weight estimate on Monday. It is my prayer he is at least close to 4 lbs. I feel like I am doing my part by actually eating 3 meals a day. I have never eaten this much, this consistently in my adult life. For someone who is not a "foodie" eating 3 full meals a day is a challenge! Then there are also the snacks they want me to eat in between!!!! It's a whole new world in here.

I am enjoying "tales from the outside" thru visits and emails. The view from my new room allows me to see cars driving about, trees blowing in the breeze and blue sky. I am reminded how life goes on without me in the mix. At the same time, I know all too soon I will be back in it and I will have added another earthbound angel to walk among all of us. I am really okay with this temporary pause and will go as far to say I am thankful for this opportunity.

Life is good. God is great. We are all blessed.

Til next week..... Thank you for the prayers and thoughts. Have a great weekend and be safe.

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