Monday, March 1, 2010

Four Pounds!!!!! (Feb 9th)

As you may have read in my status note Baby Boy is estimated to be about 4 lbs. It is another answered prayer. As if the baby was giving me a little nudge of encouragement he gave a great profile shot during the sonogram. The doctor printed it for us. His eye, nose-even his nostril and lips are so clearly defined it is eerie. He then turned his head and "looked" right at us and started to practice his breathing. It was a tiny miracle and just what I needed to go another week if that is what is meant to be. The fluid level was even lower this week which is to be expected the bigger baby grows but there is enough for another week so here we go...

Today was the first day I woke up and did not know what day of the week it was which frustrated me. Then I remembered that baby is 4 lbs and on Thursday (whenever that is :) ) we will be at 33 weeks so one more day won't hurt me. As the day passed I reminded myself worrying about tomorrow won't bring me comfort and it's not in my control anyway so what's the point! So I ordered up some chocolate ice cream and watched Oprah :)

Baby's heartbeat is being monitored now and he is moving all over the place. One day soon he will be in the world and out of my womb. I remember missing feeling Ella's movement and being a bit jealous when I had to share her with the world after having her all to myself after 9 months. I can only imagine that I will feel the same with my son. So I am going to close my eyes, feel his movement and give thanks God has given us another day together as one to remember when others reach out to hold him, care for him- before I share him with all of you! :).

Have a great night.

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