Friday, March 19, 2010

Rock Star for a day

I am not an idiot.  Maybe a little sleep deprived these days but not stupid so when I see an opportunity I take it....  E has been asking for strawberry ice cream for a week.  I continue to put her off saying when I get to the store she will get her ice cream.  Well, today I broke down and had to make a quick trip to our neighborhood store and took E with me.  She stood in front of the ice cream freezer with huge eyes and took in the wide range of choices she had and began to question her choice of strawberry.

"Mom, I want strawberry.... NO!  wait I want chocolate..... no strawberry...."  I pulled out the Neopolitan tub and showed her the possibility of having BOTH her choices plus vanilla.  She shrieked with excitement and threw her arms around my legs.  I had reached the high point of my day and earned her ultimate admiration.  I was a rock star, even if just for a moment, and I savored every minute. 

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