Monday, March 1, 2010

Packing up (Feb 20th)

It has been 34 days since I entered the hospital and tomorrow I go home. Although Boone is staying here I have no doubt he will be home very soon. I think my leaving a little before he joins us is somewhat of a blessing. I have not slept in my bed, read Ella a bedtime story, or gotten her ready for school in over a month. Boone has cemeted his place in our family and it is my time to reintroduce myself into the routines of our family. I am excited and know Boone is where he needs to be for now and will be home soon

As an update: Boone is completely off oxygen and antibiodics. Tomorrow he will be taken off IV nutrients and given solely milk. This is a huge step! His feedings have increased from 6 mm of milk to 15mm to 25 mm over the last 3 days. With each increase the amount of IV nutrients goes down and tomorrow is completely removed. He is swallowing well and handling the increasing like a champ. He does get tired and we take breaks but he is getting it down. That takes a lot of energy for the little guy so one can expect some hiccups.

I cannot say enough about God's grace throughout this experience thus far. Boone's angels continue to protect him and I have no doubt that will continue.

My time here has broaden my view of the world despite my confined quarters. I have made friends and been touched by so many kind gestures shown by St. Davids's employees. Even Cecilia, the woman who delivers my room service tray on most nights, gave me a good bye hug tonight. She always smiles and admires Ella's artwork and the beautiful flowers so many of you have sent. It is the little touches like that that kept me going on the tough days.

Boone is a stud and I am feeling better every day. Life is good, God is great.

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